Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine

Art and Science of Laboratory Medicine

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Why people with type O blood more likely to die of cholera

Cholera sickens 3 million to 5 million people around the world every year, leading to 100,000 to 120,000 deaths, many of them in the Indian subcontinent, where cholera has been endemic for centuries.

People with blood type O often get more severely ill from cholera than people of other blood types. In people with blood type O, scientists found that cholera toxin hyperactivates a key signaling molecule in intestinal cells. High levels of that signaling molecule lead to excretion of electrolytes and water – in other words, diarrhea. Cholera is marked by severe diarrhea that can lead to dehydration, shock and even death.

The researchers confirmed their results in an intestinal cell line originally derived from a person with blood type A. The cell line was modified to produce the type O antigen instead. They found that cholera toxin induced roughly double the amount of the key signaling molecule in cells with type O antigen than in those with type A.

Read more:
Study may explain why people with type O blood more likely to die of cholera

Source: Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis

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